We bet you have heard about Global Warming. But have you felt it as your own experience?
Take a look at the image. You really have to look closely in order to spot places with near and below average. Most of the entire US was above or much above average temperature in 2021.
Let's list what NCEI (National Centers for Environmental Information) is saying here about the climate.
- "Maine and New Hampshire both had their second-warmest year on record with 19 additional states across the Northeast, Great Lakes, Plains and West experiencing a top-five year."
- "A record-warm June across the contiguous U.S. ended with an unprecedented heat wave across the Pacific Northwest. Approximately 14.6 percent of the contiguous U.S. observed its warmest June on record. This is the largest extent of record warm temperatures on record for the U.S. during June."
How 2022 will be in terms of climate is uncertain at this point. But even if you are not sure about the entire year, you know summer is coming, and it is going to be hot for most people.
Why don't you be proactive about preparing for you, for your family, and for anyone you care to be ready to tackle the heat when you can? Time is now, and you won't regret it.
(Information and the image are taken from https://www.ncei.noaa.gov/news/national-climate-202112)